The Word of God is more than letters on a page. It is how God created all things, He spoke everything into existence from nothing. It is powerful. It's taught, memorized and quoted because it's a weapon against the enemy. Do we really understand the big picture of what God's Word can do when we use it?
Collagen is popping up everywhere. It used to be popular to drink gelatin to help fingernails grow. At camp, we would sit around in the evening with mugs of warm Jell-O. Fast forward in time and we've learned a few things. First off, just say no to all that sugar. Aside from the health and addictive issues, it damages the collagen in your body. Second, there are many different types of collagen, and they do different things. Use the collagen chart below to figure out what type of collagen you need for the area you want to support.
Turn off your cell service after you leave port. Cruise ships do have cell service, but like the merchants whose tables Jesus overturned in the temple, they have a service you need and can't get anywhere else. Price gouging is the polite term for what goes on. Your phone will roam on this network and even without making or receiving calls, the data your phone uses in the background can end up costing you several hundred dollars over a seven-day cruise. Forgot to turn off your cell service on a two-week cruise? My condolences.