Collagen is popping up everywhere. It used to be popular to drink gelatin to help fingernails grow. At camp, we would sit around in the evening with mugs of warm Jell-O. Fast forward in time and we've learned a few things. First off, just say no to all that sugar. Aside from the health and addictive issues, it damages the collagen in your body1. Second, there are many different types of collagen, and they do different things for your body. Besides the fingernail benefits, give some love to your skin, hair, muscles, and joints too. Collagen supplements aren't labeled by type. You'll have to read the label to find the source of collagen and check for sugars (including fruit). Fun as it was to sip hot mugs of sugary gelatin, skip the color stained tongue and use the info below to figure out what type of collagen you need for the area you want to support.
Type I
Best for skin, wound recovery2, hair & nails. Improves hydration3, elasticity and reduces wrinkles4. Supports skin, bones, ligaments, eyes, muscles, tendons, bones and our spine. Found in: marine sources are the most readily absorbed by our bodies.
Type II
Best for cartilage5 and the connective tissues in your joints and around your ears and nose. Found in: Bone broth, cartilage from beef and chickens. Look for grass fed/free range.
Type III
Best for giving tissue like muscles and blood vessels elasticity. Works alongside Type 1
Found in: Beef