Like most things, there is the plain version, and then there's the luxury model. Elderberry syrup is no different. Unlike your car, it's easy to trade up and when you make it yourself, you can have all the bells and whistles!
Start with a stripped-down basic model recipe:
1 Cup Dried Elderberries
1 Cinnamon Stick
5 Cloves
1-inch fresh ginger, peeled
4 Cups Filtered Water
(after cooling, add)
3/4 Cup Raw Honey or, (for babies under 1 year), Maple Syrup
Combine all ingredients except the honey (or syrup) into a pressure cooker and cook on high pressure for 10 minutes. Allow the pressure to release naturally.
If you don't have a pressure cooker, you can simmer the unsweetened mixture on the stove for 40 minutes.
Cool completely and mix in the honey. Store in the refrigerator or freezer.
It's good to make it this way at least once. Take some notes and decide if you want to change anything. For me, taste and viscosity were secondary to the reason I make it to begin with, immune support! This recipe isn't thick.
You can go from regular to high octane with some simple add-ins. Choose one or more of these popular turbo upgrades. I add 1/4 teaspoon each of these dried herbs before cooking. Please note, these add-ins aren't for long-term daily use. Do your research. Consult a practitioner that is familiar with herbs for advice about long-term use.
*If you have access to essential oils that are labeled and branded for internal use, add them after the syrup has cooled. (Don't use the fragrance kind internally. If you aren't sure, message me.)
Rose Hips
Organic Lemon/Orange Peel
Essential Oils*
Your custom options make your version unique. You can claim "secret family recipe" status, or you can tweak the taste so your family will drink it.
Elderberry syrup is one of many tools you have to fortify your immune system. In the Lifestyle Wellness Plan, it can be part of three different categories - a trifecta! If you are part of my Lifestyle Wellness Member Community, you'll find more elderberry info in there.

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