When you understand what elderberries do to viruses, you want all the elderberry you can get, right?  There are certain times of the year when all things elderberry sell out in the health food store, so if you do what I do and make up batches and freeze them.  You'll be well prepared.  If you need to get creative because a family member doesn't like the taste, or you want to use elderberry several times throughout the day with some variety, here's a list of ideas for you to try:  

Over Yogurt

I prefer almond butter and stevia sweetened chocolate syrup on my yogurt, so I didn't expect to like this as much as I did!  I used unsweetened coconut yogurt and topped it with elderberry syrup.  It was very good, and I'll make it again.  

In Kombucha

This was great!  I used a couple of tablespoons of elderberry syrup in each jar for my second ferment with Jun Tea (kombucha.)

There are plenty of other options, have you tried any of these?  

  • Antioxidant Shots
  • Elderberry Gummies
  • Mixed in OJ
  • In Hot Tea
  • In Iced Tea
  • On Pancakes or Waffles
  • Drizzled over a Smoothie Bowl
  • Blended in a Smoothie
  • On Ice Cream
  • In Frozen Pops
  • Drizzled on Cheesecake
  • Elderberry Jelly
  • Elderberry Honey


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