What can you do when wildfire season hits and you are affected by the smoke?  Here are a few ideas that you can implement until the wind changes and the rain comes.  

timelapse photography of water dropsRain naturally cleans the air. The moisture attaches to the smoke and dust particles and pulls them down to the ground. It's not practical to make it rain in the house, but we can create humidity to help mimic that on a smaller scale.  What can you do to increase the humidity in your home?  After using the shower, open the bathroom door, and use a fan to blow the humidity into the rest of the house.   Run those humidifiers and diffusers, constantly!  If you are experienced with essential oils, use ones that are popular for the respiratory system.   Wipe down counters and mop floors regularly to prevent the smoke and dust particles from getting re-circulated.  

Breathe through your nose, especially if you have to go out in the smoke.  Between your nose hairs, and your sinuses, the air you breathe through your nose has a filtering system.  When you breathe through your mouth, there is no filter at all.  If you are really bothered by the smoke, especially if you had to go out in it, rinse your sinuses.  Using a Neti pot can rinse the toxins out your sinus "filter" system and speed up relief.  

Turn on the circulating fan on your furnace.  Keep that air moving through the house and through the air filter in your furnace.  If your furnace has a timer that circulates outside air during certain times of the day, turn that off.  If you are using diffusers with essential oils, place them near the cold air return so that the humidity and oils get pulled into the furnace and distributed throughout the whole system.  It's not much, but keep refilling them, every bit helps.   If you have a spare, change the furnace filter.  If you need extra air filtration, you can use an air extra air filter and a box fan to create a quick and affordable air filter.  

Check for air leaks around your doors and windows where smokey air is getting through.  The bottom of our front door lets in lots of air, so I pulled the doormat up against the door to block the air.  

You may have faster results if you focus on one small room in your home.  A bedroom with an attached bathroom where you can create humidity is a good place to try.   

Different people respond differently to the toxins in smokey air.  Children, pets, and those with an immune system that is occupied with other things can be affected more severely.  Any steps you can take to separate and filter the inside air are better than nothing.    You can learn more about how I combine multiple strategies to get better results using the Lifestyle Wellness Plan.  Click the link to get a worksheet that will help you get started with my favorite system.  

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