How To Freeze Avocado Chunks Quick And Easy

I found my first bag of frozen avocado chunks at a local warehouse store and was instantly hooked! And then I never saw them again. You may have read my other blog post about how I have to sneak healthy things into my family's smoothies. This was a big score for me, and then they were gone. There is no chance of me preparing a fresh avocado and slipping it into a smoothie unnoticed! It turns out, it's easy to freeze them in chunks.

Easy Ways to Use Elderberry Syrup

When you understand what elderberries do to viruses, you want all the elderberry you can get, right?  There are certain times of the year when all things elderberry sell out in the health food store, so if you do what I do and make up batches and freeze them.  You'll be well prepared.  If you need to get creative because a family member doesn't like the taste, or you want to use elderberry several times throughout the day with some variety, here's a list of ideas for you to try:

Can Sugar Depress Your Immune System?

After the dentist finished checking my kindergartener's teeth, he brought up sugar. He was a holistic dentist, so I was hoping for more than the "sugar rots your teeth" speech. I wasn't disappointed. He dropped a bomb right off the bat...

Enhance Your Elderberry Syrup With These Powerful Options

Like most things, there is the plain version, and then there's the luxury model. Elderberry syrup is no different.  You can go from regular to high octane with some simple add-ins. Choose one or more of these popular turbo upgrades.

How I Got Rid of The Rotten Meat Smell When Our Freezer Lost Power

I could see the clock on the stove blinking and immediately realized the power had gone out.  The hamburger pucks in the freezer (including my organic grassfed ones) had thawed and rotted.
Our first guest of the season was set to arrive in a few days.  My husband and I made the hour long trip up to our lake cabin to get it ready.  We spent some time with friends up there and had to remove our things and prepare it for our guests.  As I opened the front door, the smell immediately hit me.  
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